After running his own company in London for 10 years, Mark headed back to the Island in 2010. He has worked through every aspect of the business and is passionate about improving safety across the Islands. Mark works closely with ITSSAR, SEMA & SpanSet to offer client Health & Safety officers & staff across the Islands education & training opportunities.
Chris ran a successful Events Company locally and joined Baudains in 2020. He has amassed a huge amount of knowledge visiting SEMA regularly, sitting all SEIRS courses up to Supervisor level. Chris has recently become an accredited ITSSAR Instructor, enabling us to offer tailored Counterbalance Lift Truck courses & more to our clients.
Originally from Northampton, David joined the company in 2019 and has been instrumental in helping shape and develop Baudains Access & Storage. A passionate and extremely driven member of the team, David is well known across the Islands and is responsible for both our new and existing client base as we continue to grow the products and services.
Send us a message, or call us on 01481248822. Use our contact form to tell us more about your project, and we will connect you with the services or specialist seirs trained installers to fit your needs.
Braye Road Industrial Estate, Braye Road, St Sampson's, Guernsey, GY2 4WX
Tel: 01481248822
Baudains Access & Storage
Braye Road Industrial Estate, Braye Road, St Sampson's, Guernsey